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Historic District Advisory Committee

Public Meetings: Typically held on the First Thursday of Every Month at 6:30 PM

As part of our preservation advocacy work, the Chestnut Hill Conservancy maintains a Historic District Advisory Committee (HDAC) comprised of preservation, architecture, planning, and development professionals. The HDAC addresses issues raised during the community’s design review process reviewing projects that are related to historic structures, properties, and open space for their effect on the character of the Chestnut Hill National Register Historic District. The boundaries of this District roughly correlate to the 19118 zip code in the City of Philadelphia. The HDAC has been the Chestnut Hill Conservancy’s agent as a Registered Community Organization (RCO) since 2012.

The Conservancy evaluates variance requests based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties and Philadelphia’s Zoning Board of Adjustment’s (ZBA’s) criteria for zoning variances, as described in this link to the ZBA Application for Appeal. For projects that affect the Germantown Avenue Commercial Corridor, please also refer to the Germantown Avenue Urban Design Guidelines.

The HDAC meetings are typically held on the first Thursdays of the month at 6:30 PM, and they are held remotely using Zoom.

Register to attend the upcoming HDAC virtual Zoom meetings by clicking HERE.


The next HDAC meeting will be on Thursday, April 3, at 6:30 PM.


100 Summit Street

RSD-1 – For the erection of a 1-story addition and a separate 2-story garage structure with a carport

Documents to Review:



403 West Springfield Avenue

Springside Chestnut Hill Academy – Performing Arts Center (Zoned RSD-1)
For the removal of an existing one-story structure and erection of a one-story addition in the existing educational facility, with four accessory off-street surface parking spaces, including two ADA spaces. Refusal is for use as Assembly and Entertainment in the RSD-1 zoning district.

Documents to Review:


208-10 Rex Avenue

Documents to Review:

NOTE: This property is included in the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places

This project will also be reviewed at the March 7,  2024, DRC/LUPZ meeting at 7:00 PM. You can register for that HERE

184 E. Willow Grove Ave

Variance to legalize long-standing use of the rear building for multi-family in RSA3 zoning.

 Documents to Review:

8129 Germantown Ave

Variance for visitor accommodations on the 2nd floor in the same building with existing retail on the 1st floor of the existing structure in CMX-1 zoning.

Documents to Review:

5 E Chestnut Hill Ave

Variance for detached single-family dwelling with 3 interiors and 3 exterior parking spaces on RSD-3 lot with the existing house

Documents to Review:

113 West Chestnut Hill Ave

Variance review for the erection of a garage at the rear of existing single-family house, containing 3 parking spaces; Refusal: Max height allowed – 15’; Proposed 22’+
Documents to Review:

301 Rex Ave
Variance request for the erection of an addition to an existing detached accessory structure for use as a single-family household. 

Documents to Review:

Variance request for the erection of a detached structure for use as an accessory dwelling unit on the same lot as an existing detached structure for use as single-family household living. The proposed dwelling must be located within the interior of the principal building or of a detached building. (See code 14-604 (11) (c)). Also, variance for the proposed 8′ side setback where 10′ is required.

Documents reviewed (as of 3/3/2022):

Proposed subdivision of 58,000 SF property at 8410 Prospect Avenue, with construction of new 2-story single-family residence on newly-created lot at rear of property.

Documents reviewed

Variance request for the erection of a one-story addition on the rear of existing two-story single family RSD-1; Required rear yard setback 30 feet; proposed 15 feet.

Documents reviewed (as of 2/3/22):

The proposed subdivision was not supported by Chestnut Hill’s RCOs. The ZBA hearing was August 4.

Documents reviewed (as of 6/1/2021)






Any questions about the work of the HDAC should be directed to the Conservancy staff at Info@CHConservancy.Org.