This year’s virtual Celebration included a special guest, online and live auction, revealed and celebrated the Hall of Fame’s 2021 inductees, offered a behind-the-scenes tour of Louis Kahn’s Esherick House (a 2015 AHoF inductee) – all to celebrate the 120th anniversary of his birth–and more!
The online auction for this year’s virtual Celebration (the Conservancy’s only fundraiser for 2021) was a huge success! The auction’s online format was open to all, even if you weren’t able to join us for the celebration.

2021 Architectural Hall of Fame Celebration Benefactors
The McCausland Foundation
Rita and Larry Salva
Carolyn Adams and John Meigs
Amy Branch and Jeff Benoliel
Maryalice Cheney and Scott Goldman
Rhonda and David Cohen
Gene and Charles Dilks
Nanie and Jay Flaherty
Susan and Robert Fleming
Katy and Jason Friedland
Steve Gendler
Theresa and Geno Germano
Emilie and Peter Lapham
Dan Macey and Paul Savidge
Jean and Daniel McCoubrey
Janet Ries Stern and Matthew. B Stern
Joly Walton Stewart
Kim and Will Whetzel
Nancy and Randy Williams
Pat and John Armstrong
Mary S. Ashmead
Richard Bartholomew, FAIA
Melen and Dick Boothby
Marty Brady and Bruce Belzak
Chad Bernstein
Susan Higley Bray MD
Naomi and Stephen Breman
Kathi and Walt Clayton
Joan Coale
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Connor
Patricia M. Cove
Ann Csink and John Linck
Joanne Dahme
Allison and Roy DeCaro
Susan and Will Detweiler
Nancy Dickson and Don Ratchford
Nina Diefenbach
Brooke and Chris DiMarco
Lauren Drinker Putnam and Fitzgerald Putnam
Diane and John Drinker
Suzanne Dure
Sara and Tom Emlen
Steven B. Erisoty
C. Nancy and Michael Evans
Meg and Tom Farnoly
Lynn and Chris Gadsden
Alexander and Ashley Goldsmith
Pauline Gray and Edward Barnard
Emery and Thomas Greenwood III
Sandy and Tim Greenwood
Katharine and Jack Hager
Alisha and Reid Halloran
Shirley Hanson
Mary and Paul Henry
Pamela and James Hill
Natalie and Ralph Hirshorn
Andrew Jarvis
Eileen and Ron Javers
Louise R. Johnston
Federico Mingozzi and Joseph Kotarski
Mary and Steve Kurtz
Caroline and David Lacey
Marie Lachat
Fiona Lapham and Sandro Del Lungo
Ken LeRoy
Sara Lucard
Stacey and J. Douglas MacBride
Debbie Maine
Jill and Matthew Maiorino
Jack McMeekin
George McNeely and William O’Connor
Claudia and Jeffrey Michaud
Susan and Bob Miley
Federico Mingozzi and Joseph Kotarski
Julie and Stan Moat
Molly Murphy and Greg Rigdon
Elizabeth G. Nathans
Nancy Newman and Jonathan Morley
Frank Niepold
William O’Keefe
Barbara Olson
Margaret Mary and Gerald O’Neill
Joanne Sant’Angelo and Joe Pizzano
Deborah R. Popky
Mary Jo and Bill Potter
Kathy and Ned Putnam
Kristen Regina and Jeffrey Duncan
Amanda and Jim Rice
Jana and Lou Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps T. Riley
Debbie Rodgers and Paul Meyer
Theresa and John Rollins
N Saedi and P Zamani
Timothy Sager
Lori and Marcos Salganicoff
Joanne Sant’Angelo and Joe Pizzano
Doug Schaller, MGA Partners
Toni Seidl and Rick Berkman
Amy Lang Simms
Robin and Walt Sommers
George L. Spaeth
John Talbot
Virginia and Lane Taylor
Ronna and George Tyndall
Bill Valerio
Mr and Mrs Gregory Von Schaack
Carroll Walker
Patricia and Edward S. Webster
Dianna and Charles C. Weeks, Jr
Tony Wells
Mary Sue Welsh
Loretta and Tom Witt
Lori Wizdo and Michael McHugh
Catherine Worrall
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Zimmermann
The 2021 Architectural Hall of Fame Celebration Committee
Tina Seving McDonald and Tom McDonald, Co-Chairs
Mary-Helen and Dick Boothby, Honorary Co-Chairs
Carolyn Adams and John Meigs | Ann Csink and John Linck | Gene and Charles Dilks
Diane and John Drinker | Emery and Thomas S. Greenwood, III | Sandra and Thomas S. Greenwood, Jr.
Eileen and Ron Javers | Emilie and Peter Lapham | Fiona Lapham and Sandro Del Lungo
Dan Macey and Paul Savidge | George McNeely and William O’Connor | Nancy Newman and Jonathan Morley
Deborah Popky | Virginia and Lane Taylor