Planned Giving

Planned gifts are an important source of philanthropic support for the Chestnut Hill Conservancy. The Conservancy benefits from the foresight and generosity of donors who arrange bequests and other forms of planned gifts. You can arrange to support the Conservancy in the following ways:
Naming the Conservancy as a charitable beneficiary through your will is the most popular and simplest form of planned gift. You may either designate a portion of your estate or a specific dollar amount as a gift to the Conservancy. Find general information about making a bequest to support the Conservancy here.
Beneficiary Designations
Naming the Conservancy as a beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k), Donor Advised Fund, or life insurance policy is very easy to arrange. Simply fill out a designated beneficiary form through your employer or your plan administrator. Most banks and financial services firms also have beneficiary forms, or they can provide you with suggested language for naming beneficiaries to these accounts.
Chestnut Legacy Society
All individuals who make a planned gift to the Chestnut Hill Conservancy are given the opportunity to be recognized as members of the Chestnut Legacy Society. Chestnut Legacy Society members are recognized on our website and in our annual communications.
Thank you to the following community champions for making the Conservancy and our community a part of your legacy!
Elizabeth G. NathansÂ
Have you already made a Planned Gift?
Complete our Confidential Planned Gift Intention Form if you have already arranged a planned gift to support the Chestnut Hill Conservancy but have not yet notified us. We welcome the opportunity to assist you and your advisors in planning a gift that suits your individual needs. Please contact us for more information: