The character-defining features of Chestnut Hill can—and should—be retained and enhanced while simultaneously welcoming change and growth.
Planning methods, programs, and policies will influence development in Chestnut Hill to preserve valued qualities and features while also promoting a vibrant, livable, and inclusive neighborhood. This report presents strategies for managing change in Chestnut Hill, providing recommended Tools that can be implemented locally to guide development and preservation. These Tools have been divided into three themes, reflecting the three leading issues perceived by the Chestnut Hill community:
- Preserving Architectural Integrity
- Managing Subdivision and Redevelopment of Land
- Protecting the Wissahickon Watershed
To that end, we’ve prepared the following report for attaining these goals. Click the button below to view the PDF.
These external resources provide related and relevant up-to-date information:
- Philadelphia Register of Historic Places (Philadelphia Historical Commission)
- Property assessments (OpenDataPhilly)
- Vacant Property Indicator (OpenDataPhilly)
- City-Owned Vacant Property (OpenDataPhilly)
- Tax Delinquent Properties (OpenDataPhilly)
- City of Philadelphia Metadata Catalog (Phila.gov)
- Stroud’s WikiWatershed/Model My Watershed (WikiWatershed)
- Greater Philadelphia History Network (PhilaGeoHistory)