The Archives

Photo Collection Online

Here you’ll find the ability to search, view, and order images in The Archives, as well as access information associated with them.  There are several options for searching:

KEYWORD SEARCH — Probably the most effective way to search if you have some sense of what you’re looking for.

RANDOM IMAGES — Get acquainted with our collection simply by exploring. This is a fun way to start!

SEARCH BY TERM — Search your topic of interest, or title, by alphabetical listing.  For example, if you’re interested in all photographs of or associated with Germantown Avenue, click on “G” under the TITLE field and then view the results.  If you’re searching under “CREATOR,” search by first name; for example, look under “A” for Alan Worthington.

ADVANCED SEARCH — Search here if you have fairly detailed information about what you’re looking for, or if you want to limit the search by date.

BROWSE PHOTOS — Have some time and want to take it from the top? This is all of the photos currently archived.

LOOK HERE for finding aids that may lead you to exactly what you want.

Made possible with the generous support of the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission.